English: Spoken Language and Drama
Subject intent: At William Cassidi we recognise the importance of the development of spoken language and the impact this has for an individual in their everyday life beyond the classroom and into adulthood, as well as across learning in the whole curriculum. We believe the acquisition of spoken language underpins all learning, communication and understanding. We aim for children to be immersed in a rich vocabulary that introduces them to new concepts and encourages them to listen and speak with increasing confidence and competence. By building upon what children already know and by providing experiences for them to learn new vocabulary, explain, discuss and debate they will be supported to understand and use a wide variety of vocabulary, and be able to think, question and clearly explain their understanding and ideas. In addition, through roleplay, performances, presentations, plays, drama and theatre activities children will observe, listen and demonstrate an increasing awareness of language and an ability to rehearse, refine, share and respond appropriately as a performer and as a member of an audience. We acknowledge the strong link between self-confidence and respect, our ethos values all children’s ideas and views and values them equally. We expect all members of our community to speak and communicate (including non-verbal) with respect, thought and positivity. |
Early Years
In Nursery and Reception, our curriculum is based on the EYFS framework document and 'Development Matters’. It is taught through topics, which are adapted and developed to suit children’s interests. For Nursery children, we have identified key skills in each area for us to focus on, whilst in Reception we have identified skills to teach and develop during each half-term to progress towards meeting the Early Learning Goals.
English aligns most closely with the EYFS areas of:
Communication and Language
In Reception, phonics is taught through the Success For All scheme. Nursery children follow the First Steps to Phonics scheme.