The school has very close links to St John the Divine Church in the village and with Reverend Ian Crofts. Throughout the year we visit church for special services such as the Harvest Festival, Advent, Christingle and Easter. We also hold a special 'leavers' service for Y6 pupils in the summer term alongside the Diocesan leavers service at Durham Cathedral. We have strong links with the clergy and church wardens; Reverend Ian Crofts visits school once per month to deliver worships within our school hall. We invite the church community to join us at events throughout the year; including watching the children in their nativity plays. We work collaboartively together on charitible projects such as collecting food donations at Harvest time for Stockton and Billingham foodbank.
St John the Divine Church also allows the school to use the premises for curriculum based learning and activities. We are fortunate to have a key to the church and take full advantage of this!
St John the Divine Church also allows the school to use the premises for curriculum based learning and activities. We are fortunate to have a key to the church and take full advantage of this!