Class 2 Classroom

Welcome to Year Two


Miss Hill teaches our Year 2 class. Miss Hill is part of our Senior Leadership Team and she leads English across our school. Year Two is a very busy classroom! The children enjoy learning lots of exciting things! Miss Dicken and Mrs Durance also support in Year Two for Phonics, PE and Music teaching.  Miss Hill is very busy outside of school looking after her puppy 'Harry' who is very cute and loveable. The children in her class (and the staff) love to hear about what Harry has been up to each day. 


In Year 2, children enjoy learning following the 'FFT Spelling with the Jungle Club' and 'FFT Routes to Reading' schemes in their Literacy lessons and in Maths they follow 'Maths - No Problem!', in line with the rest of the school. Year 2 children also enjoy lots of exciting topics throughout the year. Further information about the topics we cover can be found below. 


In Year 2 the children begin to prepare themselves for the transition into 'juniors' the following year. Throughout Year 2 they will learn how to write in a cursive style so that they can work towards achieving their pen licence. The children will experience lots of awe and wonder moments through their exciting topics and educational visits. They are given additional responsibilities in their KS1 phase as they support and care for the younger children in Nursery, Reception and Year One.